Simple Blog Platform Alternative to WordPress
My Reasons for Choosing JetPage for My Blog
Free Blog Platforms Can Be Very Expensive
If You Need A Simple Website Builder, Try Canva
If you’re not a WordPress fan like me, then you’re always looking for another website or blogging platform to get your content out there for the world to see. I’ve tried many of them, and they all have their own unique pros and cons.
JetPage, my latest blog platform of choice, is very simple to use, comes with subscribe buttons everywhere for me, the contact page has a functional form that sends me emails, and is hosted on reliable AWS cloud hosting, which makes a huge difference in ranking compared to typical cheap, shared hosting. It’s a blog platform that’s worth a look! Check it out for 14-days free, no credit card required.
I recommend JetPage to anyone looking for a WordPress alternative. Try before you buy is the way to go to see if you click with it! You have nothing to lose for 14-days so why not?
My Reasons for Choosing JetPage for My Blog
When it comes to websites or blogs, I need simplicity. If a builder gets too complicated, I spend way too much time building or maintaining the website instead of creating content. My goal is to create content, not to work on my website!
WordPress is the nightmare you never wake up from, at least for me. I still have a couple of WordPress sites but only out of necessity. Security issues, plugin conflicts, slow page loading speeds, forget that!
Here’s how the JetPage Team put it. See it you can identify with this:
We created JetPage after years of experience with affiliate marketing, and are committed to building features that make your life easier! Too many times we had ideas for affiliate sites but it took forever just to get set up with WordPress, and we found ourselves using tons of plugins and software just to accomplish a simple goal. We were spending all our time on maintenance and fixing problems instead of actually writing.
Admittedly, JetPage is a newcomer, and there are inherent risks to using a new builder with little to no long-term track record. But that’s why you should visit the homepage, watch the videos, and get the backstory. It’s interesting!
JetPage was created by successful affiliate marketers for affiliate marketers. And they know that:
Content is king: Creators need to be able to create and publish content quickly and easily. Write in Google Docs, copy-n-paste into JetPage’s interface and publish! It’s that easy.
Fast, Reliable Hosting: JetPages are hosted on Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS). Amazon's subsidiary provides on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals, companies, and governments. It’s not some fly-by-night host based in a country you can’t pronounce. Yay!
Content Creators Need Subscribers: Every page or post built with JetPage has a built-in subscribe button and contact page that sends an email to the address used to create an account. No need to look for a third-party plugin or addon to do that!
Pages need to load fast: As I understand it, Google is showing favor to websites and blogs that are secure, optimized, and load fast. See my screenshot below with GTMetrix scores for a page on this blog. With JetPage, I’m seeing (on average) one-second load times thanks to the optimizations built into the platform - right out of the box.
Google’s new update has added a category of stats called “Core Web Vitals”. According to Ahrefs, only 33% of sites are currently passing Core Web Vitals. Something to think about!
Free Blog Platforms Can Be Very Expensive
You’ve heard the expression “time is money,” which is so true for content creators trying to earn a living. First, you have to create the content you wish to monetize, then it takes time for Google to pick up your content and rank it where it can be found.
The difficulty of creating content will vary from creator to creator. But if the actual publishing process is a complicated obstacle course, then how much time will that add to publishing content? How will that impact the whole creative process if you dread the platform you use? Honestly, my publishing time has at least doubled or tripled because I hated WordPress or whatever free theme I used. The last thing I need is anything that makes me hate the process. It slows me way down and, in the end, costs me money. That’s why I say free can be expensive!
Give JetPage a try for 14-days free (again, no credit card required) and see if it makes publishing blog content a breeze. If not, cut it loose.
If You Need A Simple Website Builder, Try Canva
JetPage is a terrific, easy-to-use blogging platform, but it’s not so great for websites, in my humble opinion. If you need a simple website builder, check out Canva.
Canva is an online design and publishing tool with a mission to empower everyone in the world to design anything and publish anywhere. They weren’t in the website-making business until earlier this year. Now, it’s possible to build a website - even a functional business website - in minutes. Try Canva for free, but you'll need to upgrade to get all the features. But I’ve got a hot tip for that!
Save On Canva Pro With Rakuten! I’ve actually saved quite a bit with Raketen on several online purchases. It’s worth checking out!
To offset our online expenses, you might see affiliate links to helpful products or services that we use mixed in with the articles. If you make a purchase, we might be compensated in some way at no cost to you. It’s a win-win advertising option for businesses that helps us too! For example, this blog was made with JetPage. A very simple website maker. Check out JetPage here!
My Reasons for Choosing JetPage for My Blog
Free Blog Platforms Can Be Very Expensive
If You Need A Simple Website Builder, Try Canva